Tuesday 20 April 2010

Bleurgh, horrible start today with a 10bi losing streak on the $50don. Nobody likes to be $520 down before they have even had breakfast. I took a couples hours off just to get some food, play some COD etc. Paying £1k+ for my 50" TV, PS3 and games is actualy a small price to pay in comparison to the money I would tilt away on $5/$10 trying to win the money back I had just lost. I am slowly starting to realise that I can't have a winning session every session. Its only taken 2 years.

Anyway I loaded up some more sngs and won a bit back, then played the $109 $40k on stars. Now I know I have a lot to learn in mtts, but feel that there are only a couple of things that need tweeking for me to start getting a good roi from them. How I exited this tournie though was just fucking retarded. I am actually going to post this hand up, as embarassing as it is, as a reminder of how retarded I can be.

Poker Stars $100+$9 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds - 8 players - http://www.thehandconverter.com/hands/650127
The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter

MP1: t3531 M = 23.54
Hero (MP2): t3792 M = 25.28
CO: t3200 M = 21.33
BTN: t7228 M = 48.19
SB: t3000 M = 20
BB: t3015 M = 20.10
UTG: t3180 M = 21.20
UTG+1: t8947 M = 59.65

Pre Flop: (t150) Hero is MP2 with Qd Kd
1 fold, UTG+1 calls t100, 1 fold, Hero calls t100, CO calls t100, BTN calls t100, SB calls t50, BB checks

Flop: (t600) Jc Qc 8h (6 players)
SB checks, BB checks, UTG+1 checks, Hero bets t400, CO raises to t1000, BTN folds, SB folds, BB folds, UTG+1 folds, Hero raises to t3692 all in, CO calls t2100 all in

Turn: (t6800) 2d (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t6800) Qs (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t6800
Hero shows Qd Kd (three of a kind, Queens)
CO shows 9d Ts (a straight, Eight to Queen)
CO wins t6800

Now I played this hand quite retarded from the start. I decided on limping as I had been quite active before and wanted to see the flop and not have any iso raise shoved on, therfore not being able call. When this flop comes down I pretty much decided to bet for info.
In hindsight I could may be even check that flop, as 1pair in multiway pot like that is rarely good. Anyway as soon as the guy raises I think I am done with the hand, it gets back to me and then I do what I do so fucking often. I start thinking about all the hands I can beat; combo draws, flush draws etc. Now I start thinking about the fold equity I have and that it is push or fold. My head says fold and I am looking at the fold button, but being the dick I am, I shove. Now surprise surprise I am drawing virtually dead. The retarded thing about this hand is that even if I am ahead, I can never be that far ahead. Against a hand like 108cc although I am winning, I am still a 45% dog.
Doyle Brunson says 'never go broke with 1 pair in an unraised pot'. I'd do well to start actually putting that in to practice.

I then crack back on with the sngs and finish the day with 20 $27 turbos before bed. Was a +$200 session, but still didnt stop the -$500 day. Better luck for the rest of the week I guess!!

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